Tell the truth, Why Deceive?

Please share with your friends to read. NCI/Mbci has been deceiving the industry on purpose. Call them and ask if Ultra Deck meets and passes the Specifications for a Structural Standing Seam Roof. IT Does Not! They told me to go along with their cover up and lie to my customers. If I didn’t then Nci/ Mbci would destroy my business, my family and my life. Their General Counsel told me he wished I would have heart attack and die. Well asshole I’ve had the attack but God lets me live. They are owned by the private Equity Firm CD&R. Their website states honesty and Integrity. They know neither. They knowingly sold millions of sf of roof that was and is defective. One of NCI’s Vice Presidents stated under oath this roof comes apart. I have been under assault for the last 6 years. They told Florida it could be used at 1/4:12. Had it certified. Wayne Dickinson told the court the roof was wrong and should not have been used in Florida. He said I picked the wrong roof? Well did Mbci lie to Florida or to the Judge. Oh the judge knew Wayne was giving false testimony because he read the documents that stated Mbci sold millions of sf of roofs with defects, the reason for the defects, and where Wayne ordered a company wide cover up. There are honest people who work for Nci/Mbci some are long time friends of mine. If they told the truth they will be fired. Per Mbci this roof has never passed the stated ASTM specifications. Never!

Structural vs. Architectural Metal Roofing

Metal Spotlight

Do you know the difference between structural & architectural metal roofing? This Metal Spotlight article discusses these two types of standing seam metal roof systems, helping designers clearly identify which type of system is needed. Read more…

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Water Tight Roofs

Any roof at a roof slope of 1/4:12 is a water tight roof or hydrostatic. One more thing, all roofs shed water. If they don’t you have swimming pools. A Structural Standing Seam Roof is water tight by design and definition.